
HyNQ is passionate about and committed to honest, early and comprehensive engagement with all stakeholders and the wider community that host their projects.

Our vision for HyNQ Clean Energy Project is to create positive and enduring social and economic legacies. We recognise that such large-scale projects will result in changes to the local landscape and will be part of the surrounds for the next 30 plus years. As a result, we will work tirelessly to ensure that the community consider the changes worthwhile.

We will partner with the community to build resilience against climate fluctuations, job transitions and social change. We believe that HyNQ will drive and deliver local innovation, local manufacturing and create a net positive impact for nearby landowners, individuals and businesses.

Members of our project team and development partners attended and presented at the recent Bowen Collinsville Enterprise breakfast on Friday 28th April.

The breakfast was a further opportunity for us to update the local community on development activities undertaken in recent months. Our presentation can be viewed here.

Please contact us with any questions, queries or for further information